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Joint Action Makes 100 Lunches to Combat Insecurity in Baltimore

Joint Action Makes 100 Lunches to Combat Insecurity in Baltimore

At about 9:30 on a Sunday morning, staff from Evermore Cannabis Company and our Joint Action team met at a community center in Baltimore City to lend a hand to the extraordinary Love & Lunches organization. 

We worked assembly-style to make ham & cheese sandwiches and pack fruit and snacks into 100 bags. Then we loaded up the cars and headed to Shot Tower Park where a line of people were already waiting. We walked up and down the line handing out the bags of lunches, water bottles, and homemade brownies. 

Founded by Jilleien Franquelli, Love & Lunches has become a weekly fixture for many in Baltimore who experience food insecurity. To see the people who have come to know the volunteers and rely on the weekly lunches is heartwarming but also reinforces the importance of community support and involvement to end food insecurity.

If you’re inspired by this work, and want to get involved, please consider donating to Love & Lunches. Donations go directly to purchasing food for the Sunday lunches.

Stay connected with us on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, to find out how you can join our next Joint Action event. Together, we can continue to make a positive impact. 

Stay lifted!

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